Wear Old,
Wear New
Recycling Design
Polylactic acid, rocks
Wear Old, Wear New is a series of jewelry made from failed 3D prints. It is a one-of-a-kind solution that turns waste into beauty through design and promotes recycling as a new fashion. This project is inspired by the Swiss brand FREITAG, which makes bags from recycled truck tarps.
3D printing has become more accessible these years and is widely used by academics to industry. The most common material for 3D printers is PLA, polylactic acid, marketed as biodegradable though the composting condition is quite strict. Tons of PLA waste is produced and treated as single-use plastic and ends up in landfill or unregulated waste.
These Jewelry utilize excess PLA waste at NYU’s Makerspace, remelt and reshape them into unique trinkets with new values to prevent them from entering the biogeochemical cycle.
3D printing has become more accessible these years and is widely used by academics to industry. The most common material for 3D printers is PLA, polylactic acid, marketed as biodegradable though the composting condition is quite strict. Tons of PLA waste is produced and treated as single-use plastic and ends up in landfill or unregulated waste.
These Jewelry utilize excess PLA waste at NYU’s Makerspace, remelt and reshape them into unique trinkets with new values to prevent them from entering the biogeochemical cycle.

Plastiglomerate Z is a collection of gems designed for us, adopting the concepts of Gen Z and a geological term - plastiglomerate. Patricia Corcoran, Charles J.Moore, and Kelly Jazvac proposed the idea of plastiglomerate, used as a maker of a new geologic period, the Anthropocene. They are mixtures of sedimentary grains, organic debris agglutinated by melted plastic, first found on Kamilo Beach in Hawaii.
Rocks used in this project are gathered near the Hudson River.
Rocks used in this project are gathered near the Hudson River.

Link Chain necklace is a trendy jewelry design with numerous reinventions, emblems of power and authority historically and now as a fashion statement. I design these modular link in a rectangular shape with round corners, which implies the power of plastic, and we are “chained” to the plastic simultaneously.

Rings made from leftover materials which become the simplest gift beloved by my fellows.
These rectangle and circle earrings are made from the subtraction cuts of chain links and rings.
These rectangle and circle earrings are made from the subtraction cuts of chain links and rings.

#design #plastic #PLA #3DPrint #recycle